Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 5

Today we observed the slide we created yesterday. 
1. Acid-Fast
       The acid-alcohol decolorized the Zeihl-Neelsen stain.  Therefore, the bacteria took the color of   the blue from the methylene blue which is the counter stain of the Zeihl-Neelsen stain.  This bacteria is non-acid fast since the bacteria on the slide is stained blue.

2. Endospore Stain
     The cells are bacilli (rod-shaped), negative gram stain.  There are no endospores because the bacteria are stained red, took the safranin stain. There are not green circular shapes within the individual cells. It did not keep the malachite green stain so there are no endospores. 

3. Capsule Stain
        There are no capsules on this bacteria.  The safranin has stained the rod-shaped bacteria because the bacteria appears red.  There is not a thick black outline around the individual cells which would indicate the presence of a capsule.
The bacteria are the small red spots in the picture below:

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